Trencadis - Park Güell
Trencadís, also known as pique assiette is a type of mosaic made from cemented-together tile shards and broken chinaware. While glazed china is preferred, glass is sometimes mixed in as well, as are other small materials like buttons and shells. Gaudi is famous for using trencadís in many projects, the most notable being Parc Güell. His first use of this technique was at the Güell Pavilions, where the organic architectural forms required him to break the tiles to cover the curved surfaces.
He aimed to create patterns with the shards, and he often used discarded pieces of ceramic tile collected from the factory Pujol i Bausis, as well as pieces of white ceramic from broken cups and plates discarded by other Spanish manufacturers.
I particularly favoured the Trencadís in the Hypostyle room, pictured bottom left, which displayed some of the more recognisable fragments of the above-mentioned white cups and plates.
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