Precident critique - Russell Page - Los Jardines de La Landriana

The Landriana Gardens are located at Tor San Lorenzo in Ardea, around 30 km from Rome, and extend for 10 hectares within a large estate on the coast. They are characterized by multiple "rooms", each holding different botanical characteristics, such as the valley of ancient roses and the lake, the orange garden, the white avenue, the olive garden, the blue lawn and the Spanish basin.

The Gardens were conceived in the late 1950s, when the Marquis Gallarati-Scotti and his wife, Lavinia Taverna, bought a rural property along the Lazio coast.  However, in the late 60s, Lavinia Taverna wanted to create structure and a more cohesive design for the gardens which led to the hiring of the English Architect and Landscape Architect Russel Page. Under him, the Gardens were completely redesigned, taking on the current appearance. Page divided the area into geometric spaces edged by hedges and paths, in order to impose a more formalised order on the hundreds of varieties of plants in the garden's collection. Overall the garden is attributed to the Arts and Crafts style.

My favourite 'room' in the garden is the orangery, as seen below. I am always partial to topiary, but especially love the architectural structure the contrasting height differences give. With the smaller round ground heading underlying the half-sphere orange trees, all backed by the more natural surrounding canopies.  The gradation of scale changes are highly engaging and creates quite a surreal atmosphere. I also like how the tree forms are mirrored in the globe alliums seen in other parts of the garden. Photos of those sections of the garden are not included in this post as all the ones I could find were watermarked.
The olive trees, also pictured below, are another feature I adore, as their structures extend outwards and reach up creating the 'cup shape' they are known for. 

The Jardines de La Landriana are definitely high up on my to-visit list if I am to ever go to Rome.


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