Vegetation Typologies - Ashlar Park

Reforestation was a significant part of the Ashlar Park proposal. Aiming to create a denser noise and pollution buffer to the main arterial roads that transect the site. Due to the site's nature as a flood plain, the proposed trees had to tolerate periods of saturation.  Hence they were stipulated using the National Vegetation Categories for Woodland, selecting those in the 'wet woodland' category.

NVC community W2 - Salix cinera - Betula pubescens - Pragmites australis woodland - was one of the chosen typologies for the North Western, more wetlands-oriented, section of the site plan, with its boardwalk trails and a treatment pond network. Birch and willow groves work aesthetically with the curved pathways, and the reed beds contribute to the Park's phytoremediation initiative.  Illustrated below is a conceptual sketch visualising the overall landscape character for that section showing the downy birch, willow and pathes of reeds. 



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